Friday, May 17, 2013

Elder Abuse - Nursing Home Neglect

Everyone gets older - that's just a fact of life. And while we can't avoid aging, we can take steps to ensure that our loved ones are properly cared for when they become elderly and can no longer take care of themselves. It's a sad fact that abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and medical facilities is an ongoing concern. Not in every facility of course, but it does happen. And unfortunately, the victims frequently suffer in silence.

This abuse can be in the form of physical and mental mistreatment, but it is also common to find verbal cruelty and even financial exploitation of the elderly. Many estates have been depleted by unscrupulous nursing home employees. To ensure that your loved ones are being treated properly, you should visit them often and look for signs of poor diet, bruises, and bedsores. Also check for cleanliness and the overall safety of the areas where they sleep, eat and socialize.

Keep a close eye on their bank balances and credit card statements to ensure that their money isn't being misappropriated. And what if you do see signs of elder abuse? You should contact an elder abuse lawyer at once. Here's why:

First, it needs to be reported so that it can be investigated. If one person you know in a particular facility is being abused, the odds are that others are enduring the same kind of treatment. Secondly, a qualified elder abuse lawyer can help you take the necessary steps to stop the abuse and protect your loved one. If you see signs of anything suspicious, don't take chances. Free case evaluations are available and you might not only be helping the person you know, but others who live in that facility as well.

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